Saturday, March 4, 2017

Life isn't burger king. You can always have it your way.

I tend to want to have things perfect or my way lots of times. I use to get very mad when things didn't go the way I thought that they should. I was one that had to have it my way . I have since that time figured it out that that is not a way to live at all.

I have run into people over the years that believe that things have to be their way or the highway. They can not stand not being in control of life and the people in it. That is a sad way to be. You end up hurting yourself and others. You make people mad at you. You loose friends. Sometimes you even loose your job over it.

People who have to have things their way all the time are covering up something that is going wrong in their lives. They don't want people to know that what is going wrong. That is sad. These are the ones that really need help.

For example a person could be covering for an abusive relationship that they are in. They don't want people to know that what has been perfect to them is now falling apart. They are not able to control their personal life so now they will make everyone that they come in contact with miserable. They will bring them down with them. I don't like having to deal with people like this. 

Get with the program. You can't have it your way all the time. Resentment from others is a big thing that happens. You need to let others be in the driver seat. Let others have control. Then you can sit back and work on the problem that is at hand. 

Remember to fix the problem in your life before you let it get out of control and hurt others. When you have a problem you tend to hurt others in the process. You tend to bring others down with you. That needs to never happen. 

When I have a problem I seek God. I pray to him and give the problem over to him. I let him be in the driver seat. Then things all work out for the good. It is in his time too. I feel so much better about it.

So remember that in life you can't always have it your way. When things get out of control seek help and fix the problem before it gets worse than what it is.

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