Sunday, October 29, 2017


Have you ever worked with someone that was psychologically abusive?  Someone that had to be in control of things all the time and when their plans didn't go they took it out on you? Someone who used you as their verbal punching bag? If this has every happened to you then you are not alone. I have been there. At the time my co-workers thought that I was out of my mind. They could not believe that this would ever happen to me. Then they saw it in action and things changed.

At first when this was happening I never thought of it as abuse. I thought of it as just how things were between us. One part of the abuse was to never share anything with me. That in a way was good. That way when things went wrong and I didn't know about it I was in the clear. I could use the excuse that I never knew about it in the first place. 

Another part of the abuse was to make decision without getting my input. That was sometimes good and sometimes bad. It was bad cause when things went wrong I was left holding the bag. I was blamed for whatever went wrong. I never seemed to do anything right. 

The abuse went so far as me having to get to work a half hour early in order to do this list of things that my abuser wanted done. Then I had to stay a half hour late to do another list of things. I knew that if I didn't do what was on the lists that my abuser would verbally asult me. Sometimes the asult was in private and other times the asult was public. 

Most of the time it was public. My abuser got a thrill from the verbal asult of me in front of others. Now mind you at the time this was all going on I never for once thought of this as abuse. I thought that this was just how my abuser was. This was the nature of the beast and I needed to tow the line in order to avoid the wrath. 

Most often abusers refuse to admit that they are abusive. They want to believe that they accuser is making things up and that they (the abuser) could never do something like that. They don't want to see that what they are doing is affecting others around them. They want to go on believing that life is perfect and there is no harm done. 

It took me awhile to see that I was being abused. I looked back on my job and realized that this was not the first case of abuse that I had been through. I was appalled that someone would do something like this to me. 

So what I did was pray. I knew I could not go to higher up about the situation. I had in the past with the abuser and it never worked. So I prayed. Everything I was abused I prayed. I knew God had a plan and a purpose for this.   

It is not just abuse at the work place. The phycological abuse can be at home too. You could have a spouse or significant other that is psychologically abusive. You man never realize it. I was there with this too. I dated a guy in college who was psychologically abusive. I am so glad that I figured out what was going on before it was too late. 

Then there is psychological abuse in the church. What you say? Yes you heard me right. It does happen. That one person in the church that can get anyone to do anything. That one person that everyone believes is right and can do no wrong. No one ever sees the bad in that person. That is because that person is manipulative. They are good at making people believe that what they say and do is 100% right. No one ever questions them. This is not a good way to go. A person like this will end up destroying the church.

So again what do you do? You pray about it. Talk to God and tell him all about what is going on. Lay your problems at his feet. Talk to God about this person or persons in your life that is psychologically abusive to you. Ask God to change them. Ask God to show them what they are doing wrong. 

You many not see results right away, but in God's time you will see results. God will make things better. He has a plan and a purpose. You just have to trust him and have faith. I have in my situations and I have saw results. I talk to God everyday about what is going on and little by little I see answers. 

Don't let the abuse continue. If you can get help then get it. Talk to others who can help you get out of the situation that you are in before it is too late. Let the world know what is going on.

Above all cry out to Jesus and he will meet your need.

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