Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Have you ever worked with someone that never talks to you, always talks about you to others, and when you do something they feel is wrong goes to tell the boss about it instead of talking to you? I am sure we all have that one co-worker that is a tattletale. They are always in the wrong. So to cover up their tracks they go to the boss and tell tails on you. Then you wind up in the bosses office explaining the situation. Before you know it everyone in the building knows what happened.

We all have that one dreaded co-worker that we try to avoid. That one person that if you even breath wrong they blow it up and go tell the boss some wild story about you. That one person that makes you feel like you would rather be dead than have to work with.

You know who I mean. More often than not we are stuck with this person. We can't avoid them no matter what. We can't escape their tattling on us. I am sure you are like me and pray that this person or persons are absent. You pray that they get the plague or close two it so that they are out for a few days in a row.

We have all been there and done that. I have to look at the bigger picture. When children tattletale there is something that they are in need of. It is the same with adults. You have to think about the person that is tattling on you. Is there something deep down that they are in need of? Find out what that is and surprise by meeting that need. That is if you can.

My biggest defense is to pray for them. Talk to God about them everyday. Pray for the situation that they put you in. Give that person a smile each day. Be kinder than normal to them. You never know. You just might make their day and change their life.

In the end the tattling will stop. Other co-workers will learn to not like this person. They will see them as nothing more than self centered and hateful. Other co-workers will want nothing to do with the tattletale. The boss will get the picture too. The boss will realize how much time is being wasted by the tattletale.

In the end the tattletale will end up hurting themselves and not others. They will end up loosing big time. Pray now and you will see results. Let God be in control of the situation.

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