The first chapter is all about Eve. It is based on Genesis Chapters 1-4. In this chapter it talks about how Adam and Eve came into being. Then it talks about life in the Garden of Eden. It also talks about the Serpent (Satan). Then the chapter goes into what happed after they left the garden.
As I read this chapter I began to imagine what the Garden of Eden must have looked like. It had to be very beautiful. I am sure that there were lots of flowers and trees. There even had to be a waterfall and a lake. I imagine that it smelled like all the different flowers that were there. It would have felt safe, cool, and inviting.
The bible never talks about Adam and Eve having a traditional wedding, but they were married none the less. I think that there marriage had to have been one of give and take. They would have had equal partnership in the relationship. They would have gotten along. No fights to be had. Everything was perfect.
I think that God planted Adam and Eve in this garden paradise because he knew what was going to happen. This was all part of his plan. He saw this happening long before it did. God made them trustees of his estate and they blew it. Eve thought she knew better than God and listened to the Serpent. That got her into trouble.
This chapter shows us how sin can be so inviting. How it can lure you away from God in an instant. This chapter also shows how you can get back to God by being at your lowest and realizing that your way is not the best way. God has a plan and a purpose. He knows what he is going to do before it happens.
We have to accept the fact that God sees and knows all. We can't hide from him.
This is a blog set up to share things about faith, life, and many other things of interest to me.
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Wicked Women of The Bible
Recently I received an e-mail about a new book that was coming out from bestselling author Ann Spangler entitled Wicked Women of the Bible. This title caught my eye and I wanted to learn more. So I then looked up the website to find out more information. As I read through the site I cam across how to apply to be a part of the launch team. I thought "I would never get it, but it is worth a shot." So I applied. I was getting a little nervous about hearing back, but never gave it second thought.
Then yesterday when I got the mail their was a package for me. In it was the advanced reading copy of Wicked Women of the Bible. One of the things that you are asked to do as you read this book is to blog about it (if you blog). In the coming days and weeks I will be reading the book and blogging about each chapter of the book.
I hope that by reading my blog about the book that you will be interested in reading this book. There is also a book Wicked Men of The Bible.
If you are interested in knowing more about this book check out: Wicked Women of The Bible Book Trailor.
I hope that you will be inspired by my blog to read this book or to even find out more about the women featured in this book.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Making Peace With God's Plan
Recently my mother passed away unexpectedly. It was a shock to both me and my sister. Never once did my sister and I think that Mom could be very ill and not tell us.
The day that Mom died I had a serious talk with God. I was in a place that I never thought that I would ever go again and I promised my Aunt Virginia 20 years ago that I would never go. You see 20 years ago (1994) my dad died unexpectedly. At that time I gave up on my faith. I hated God and didn't want anything to do with him. I couldn't understand how a God that clamed to love me could take my dad away. There I was again. If God loved me then why did he take my Mom away.
When I pray I talk to God like he is right in the room with me. On this day I made sure to tell God how I felt about what had happened. My faith was shaken. Then I heard God's voice. He gave me a peace that made me feel so much better about the situation.
He explained to me how Mama's work in this life was over and that he needed her for something bigger. I really didn't understand what he meant until Mama's funeral service. When the Ministers spoke about Mama's faith in God it hit me. Mama had left a legacy here in this life that would continue to go on. Though Mama is not physically here she will continue to live on in spirit.
Then it occurred to me that Mama had a huge faith in God. Mama always put her trust in Jesus. I know she talked a lot about how she would pray for others when they asked, needed or even when they didn't ask for it. She often said that God layed someone on her heart to pray for and she did.
Mama was devoted to the church. She was very involved in many aspects of the church. When Mama stopped coming to church you could tell it. Things were just not the same. It was like something was missing. I realized that Mama did things for others not for what she would get out of it, but because it was the Christian thing to do.
So I had another talk with God to apologize for how selfish I had been. God had a higher plan and purpose for Mama that I was just not prepared for. I have accepted that now. Mama has gone on to be with Jesus and one day we will see her again.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Sometimes when all hope seems lost you have to have faith that things will get better. You have to be an optomist in the midst of the storm. God will see you through it. You have to stay positive when others are negative.
When you stay positive good things will happen to you. God will bless you greatly. He will see you through. You just have to believe.
So when you are going through a storm just stay positive and know that God is in control.
When you stay positive good things will happen to you. God will bless you greatly. He will see you through. You just have to believe.
So when you are going through a storm just stay positive and know that God is in control.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
The Power of Prayer, Faith, and Good Friends
Recently my Mom had to have surgery. On the day before the surgery Mom asked me to post on Facebook for prayers for her. Mom is a strong believer in the power of prayer. She says that when people are praying for her that she can feel their prayers.
Mom was suppose to come home the day after the surgery, but plans changed. I am not one that deals with change well and this was something that really upset me. However, I knew that God had a plan and a purpose in Mom staying put. That was my faith taking control. I had to have faith that God was in the driver's seat.
Then there is the fact that friends of mine on Facebook saw my post about Mom and went to visit her in the hospital. She was very surprised. My sister and I were too. That was so nice that in one instance that people we knew were in town and stopped to see Mom at the hospital. In another instance people just decided to get in their car and drive to the hospital to see Mom. It was reassuring to my sister and I that people cared about how Mom was doing.
Plus reading all the comments to my post of updates on Mom helped me to realize all the people that really truly care. It is a real blessing to see how many people were praying for Mom and continue to pray for Mom. God is amazing.
Then in situations like these there are those people that are gossips and nosey. They just have to know what is going on, but they really don't care about what is going on. These are the people that will take what is going on and turn it into something for their own benefit. A spotlight seeker.
These are people that I have learned to be very veg with. I don't tell them much. That way things that I don't want spread around will not be. My privacy will be protected.
There are things that have happened recently that have made me more aware of the people that I can trust and those that I am going to be veg with. People that I thought were friends turned out to be otherwise. In the end I have found out who my true friends are.
I feel that this is God in control. So I am going to take a back seat and let God be in the driver's seat. That way things will go good in my life.
Mom was suppose to come home the day after the surgery, but plans changed. I am not one that deals with change well and this was something that really upset me. However, I knew that God had a plan and a purpose in Mom staying put. That was my faith taking control. I had to have faith that God was in the driver's seat.
Then there is the fact that friends of mine on Facebook saw my post about Mom and went to visit her in the hospital. She was very surprised. My sister and I were too. That was so nice that in one instance that people we knew were in town and stopped to see Mom at the hospital. In another instance people just decided to get in their car and drive to the hospital to see Mom. It was reassuring to my sister and I that people cared about how Mom was doing.
Plus reading all the comments to my post of updates on Mom helped me to realize all the people that really truly care. It is a real blessing to see how many people were praying for Mom and continue to pray for Mom. God is amazing.
Then in situations like these there are those people that are gossips and nosey. They just have to know what is going on, but they really don't care about what is going on. These are the people that will take what is going on and turn it into something for their own benefit. A spotlight seeker.
These are people that I have learned to be very veg with. I don't tell them much. That way things that I don't want spread around will not be. My privacy will be protected.
There are things that have happened recently that have made me more aware of the people that I can trust and those that I am going to be veg with. People that I thought were friends turned out to be otherwise. In the end I have found out who my true friends are.
I feel that this is God in control. So I am going to take a back seat and let God be in the driver's seat. That way things will go good in my life.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Let Go and You Will Feel Better
Recently I have started taking an exercise class that has really been very good for me. When I started the class I had reservations about doing some of the exercises. But, after the first class my mind was changed. I can't do a lot of the exercises right now, but I realize that the more that I do them the more that I will be able to do them.
One part of the class is about letting go of things that you don't need anymore. Letting go of the things that weigh us down. It is when we do that that I feel like a weight has been lifted. I feel so at peace.
That is why when we let go of things that are weighing us down we feel so much better. We are not being held back by things that have no meaning to our lives. We are then free to drink in what life has to offer us.
I know for me just sitting in the class letting the weight of the world go I feel so much better. I need to do this more often so that I can hear God more clearly. Then I will be more able to let God be in control when I am out of control.
If we would all just take the time to let go of the baggage of our lives we would feel so much better. We would not be as sick or tired. We would be healthier and have more energy.
So my advice to you is to take a little time to just let go of the baggage and listen for the good. That way you will feel so much better.
One part of the class is about letting go of things that you don't need anymore. Letting go of the things that weigh us down. It is when we do that that I feel like a weight has been lifted. I feel so at peace.
That is why when we let go of things that are weighing us down we feel so much better. We are not being held back by things that have no meaning to our lives. We are then free to drink in what life has to offer us.
I know for me just sitting in the class letting the weight of the world go I feel so much better. I need to do this more often so that I can hear God more clearly. Then I will be more able to let God be in control when I am out of control.
If we would all just take the time to let go of the baggage of our lives we would feel so much better. We would not be as sick or tired. We would be healthier and have more energy.
So my advice to you is to take a little time to just let go of the baggage and listen for the good. That way you will feel so much better.
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The first chapter is all about Eve. It is based on Genesis Chapters 1-4. In this chapter it talks about how Adam and Eve came into being. ...
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