I am grateful for rain. It is so much needed. It cools things off when it has been way too hot. It waters the ground and plants. Rain is a good thing. However, I am not a fan of the mud that it leaves behind it.
This is a blog set up to share things about faith, life, and many other things of interest to me.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 150
I am grateful for the ability to ask for things. If you want something that someone has then just ask them. They may or may not share or give it to you. You always need to ask first. Never take without asking. That will upset the person even more. Worse is asking after you took something. I can't stand it when someone wants something of mine, takes it without asking, and then asks after the fact. Be honest from the beginning. Less hurt feelings in the end.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 149
I am grateful for days when I get a break. Days when Dad is in charge of the kids. I get to relax for a little bit. I get to rest. Those days are great because I get to learn from Dad how to deal and he gets to see just how they behave. Learning experience for all involved.
Monday, May 28, 2018
Gatitude 2018 Day 148
I am grateful to the men and women who served our county and are now no longer with us. The did so much to keep us free. I am also grateful for the men and women who served our country that are Veterans of the military.
This day and age our Veterans deserve a lot more than what they get. Health Care is a big issue in my book. The VA System needs an overhaul. I am thankful that my Uncle Woodie and Uncle John have it for medical care, but it is not the best. I hate the things that they have to go through to get the care they need. I hope one day that they like all Veterans get good health care.
On this Memorial Day please remember those that served our country. Those still living and those gone. They did our country a great service.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 147
I am grateful for silence. Silence is golden. Children should be seen and not heard. If things are too quiet in a house then something is wrong. In our house moments of silence are rare and welcomed. Children never know when to be quiet and not speak. Too often we have kid that speak when they shouldn't. If only kids would be quiet and listen they might get farther in life. Speak when spoken to. If you are not included in the conversation then you need to go away. It is not always for you to know. If you need to know it we will tell you.
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 146
I am grateful for a 3 day weekend. After a stressful few weeks I can now relax and try to rest up Things are starting to slow down and I am so glad. I can't believe how fast this year has gone.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 145
I am grateful for faith. I am grateful that I have faith in God. I am grateful that I have faith in children that they can do more than what they think they can. I am grateful that I have faith that all things are possible.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 144
I am grateful for Preschool. This is a job that I love to do. I love working with kids. Somedays can be stressful, but in the end it is rewarding. I would not trade what I do for anything. Each kid touches my heart and blesses me. I love each child that comes through my room each day and year.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 143
I am grateful for nice days. Days that are not too hot and not too cold. I hate days that are hot and humid. It just zaps the energy out of you. Those are the days I would rather be in under the AC. I hope this Summer is not so humid, but I doubt it.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 142
I am grateful today that on this date 7 years ago I met the man that would show me what true love and heartbreak are. He would also show me the signs of what to do when someone does not love you the way you love them. I am beyond grateful that I spent 6 of those years with him. It was a learning experience and a stepping stone to something much better in the future. God has someone in mind for me. In time I will find them. I just have to be patient. That is the hard part.
Monday, May 21, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 141
I am grateful today for AC. It has been so hot and humid lately. I am thankful that I live in a home with AC. I don't think I could do without it. I don't see how we did it growing up. The old house got so hot. Just hoping that this Summer is not so humid.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 140
I am grateful for patience. I must have the patience of a saint this weekend. I have been trying to make the DVDs of the Preschool Movie that I made. This has been a slow process. Took all night just to burn the first one and from their it should not take long at least I thought. Technology is great when it works right. When it does not it is a pain. Will have to be patient and give it time. I have till Thursday to get this done. Nothing like last minute work and things don't
Saturday, May 19, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 139
I am grateful for change. If you give someone enough time you can tell if they really want to make a change. Actions speak so much louder than words. If a child tells you that they are going to change their behavior don't believe it till you see it. Often times children go back to the familiar behavior because it is easy. They tend to think that adults will believe their word so why change their actions. Adults are like this too. They tend to tell you one thing and then do another. These are the kind of people that I don't want around. If you can say it you can change it. I have seen change recently and it makes me happy. We are on the right road to fixing things that need to be fixed before they get worse. Slowly seeing prayers answered. I am so thankful.
Friday, May 18, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 138
I am grateful to have phone and internet. You don't know how much you miss it till it is gone. We were out of service for 24 hours due to down trees and cut fiber optic lines. Thankful that we have serviced restored. I love spending time with my family, but there is only so much time that you can spend with those you love until those people get on your nerves.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 137
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 137
#grateful #thankful
I am grateful for the fact that I know lots of people and have made lots of connections over the years. That is all due to Grandpa Rittenour, Aunt Virginia, Uncle Ed, Mom, and Dad. It is good to know people so that when you need something you know who you can go to.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 136
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 136
#grateful #thankful
I am grateful for nice weather. That way the kids can get outside and not be so wound up. They seem to be wild when kept inside all the time. They need to get out and be active.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Gratitude 2018 Day 135
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 135
#grateful #thankful
I am grateful for storms. Storms are good when it is hot cause they cool things off. Storms water plants. Storms give us much needed rain to help things grow. There are other kids of storms too. Those kind of storms are ones that God will see us through if we just put our faith and trust in him.
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Blessings A Day 2019 Day 365
Blessings A Day 2019-Day 365 #Blessings2019 On this last day of 2019 I am blessed: That I have made it through another...
Attitude of Gratitude - Day 4 # AttitudeOfGratitude2018 # grateful # thankful I am grateful this morning for mornings like today wh...
The first chapter is all about Eve. It is based on Genesis Chapters 1-4. In this chapter it talks about how Adam and Eve came into being. ...
I love to read the bible and I in fact own several different versions of the bible, about 10 in all. One of my fa...