Monday, May 28, 2018

Gatitude 2018 Day 148

Attitude of Gratitude - Day 148
#grateful #thankful
I am grateful to the men and women who served our county and are now no longer with us. The did so much to keep us free. I am also grateful for the men and women who served our country that are Veterans of the military.
This day and age our Veterans deserve a lot more than what they get. Health Care is a big issue in my book. The VA System needs an overhaul. I am thankful that my Uncle Woodie and Uncle John have it for medical care, but it is not the best. I hate the things that they have to go through to get the care they need. I hope one day that they like all Veterans get good health care.
On this Memorial Day please remember those that served our country. Those still living and those gone. They did our country a great service.

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