Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Jesus Loves You.....But You Don't Really Mean That

Recently I was involved in a some what of an argument at church. The end result as I was walking away was that the person that was arguing with me said Jesus Loves You and I Love You. I was shocked. Those words had never before come out of that persons mouth to me. I was blown away. Had my prayers been answered. I didn't take it too seriously.

I have come to believe that people who claim to be Christians, but are really not (talk the talk, but don't walk the walk) tend to say things that they really don't mean. This was on of those times. Following worship this person gave me the weekly sermon like always. Nothing had changed.

Don't take the love of Jesus lightly. Jesus died on the cross to save you and me. That is a big thing. Don't think that in an argument that you will win if you say Jesus Love You. You are just covering up for the fact that you may not be right.

When I tell someone Jesus Loves You I mean it. I take the love of Jesus seriously. I know that Jesus has done lots for me in this life. When I die I know that I am going to spend eternity with him. That is an awesome thought.

So the next time that someone tells you Jesus Loves You think about the meaning behind it. It says a lot about what kind of Christian that they are.

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