This is a blog set up to share things about faith, life, and many other things of interest to me.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
A Call to Prayer
I know recently I have been focusing on the topic of prayer. That is because I feel so strongly that believers need to get on their knees and pray. Now is the time to start using the greatest weapon in our Christian arsenal to fight and defeat Satan. We need to come together as true believers to stop Satan from taking over the church before it is too late.
I know that often churches struggle with bringing in new members to help their church grow. They see the church next door growing, but they don't understand why people will not come to their church. That is when the church needs to come together in prayer to have the Lord help them.
If we are true Christians then prayer will come easy. We will be able to fall to our knees and pray with conviction. Then we will be able to take a step back and let God take control. On the other hand, if we are not a true Christian than prayer is not easy. You will want to deal with the problem on your terms. Then when things blow up in your face wish that God would have done something to help.
I urge you now to fall to your knees in prayer. Pray with all your heart and with conviction for God to take back churches in America. Pray for God to open the hearts and minds of true believers to his word. Pray that God will eradicate Satan from the church before it is too late.
Jessy Dixon's song I Know What Prayer Can Do speaks to the power of prayer. Please join me in going to God in prayer.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Prayer is Powerful
Recently I have been dealing with a few issues that have been getting me down. I was frustrated with how to deal with what I was going through. Something inside me said that I needed to go to my knees in prayer. So that is what I did. Since then I have been seeing change happen in big ways.
Prayer is powerful. When we have a problem we need to face it head on with prayer behind it. We also need to have faith when we pray. We need to believe that whatever we ask for in prayer we are going to receive. We need to take what God has already has given us.
Prayer is our greatest weapon. It is a direct line to the one who can win the battle for us, Jesus. When we pray we need to do so with the belief that whatever we are asking for is already being taken care of. Let God take control. He will take care of it for us.
So when you can't sleep cause a problem is causing you grief just go to the Master in prayer. He will take care of the it so that you can sleep. If you have a problem that is causing you grief take it to the Master. He will see you through.
So tonight before I go to sleep I am going to give everything that is weighing on my heart to the Master. I have faith that he has already handled it. I have faith that things are going to change because of the power of prayer.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Pray with Conviction
For sometime now I have felt the presence of the devil lurking in the mist of my life. More recently that lurking has gotten more closer. It is like he is knocking at my door wanting me to let him in. He wants to tear apart my faith.
I know what I have to do to stop this. I need to get on my knees, pray with conviction, and step back so that God can take control. If not then I will loose sight of what is right and let the devil win.
All too often when the devil comes a knocking we are tempted to let him take control of our lives. That is when we shut God out. That is the wrong thing to do. We need to drop to our knees and pray with conviction.
When I was a kid I can remember my Aunt Virginia doing just this. She was often praying with conviction about something. She would always tell me that prayer was our most powerful weapon in our spiritual warfare. That when we felt the devil close at hand we needed to pray with conviction. Once we did that God would take over and the devil would go running.
Recently, I have found myself in a situation were the devil's presence was all to powerful. It was like I was looking into the face of the devil himself. It scared me to my core. I knew what I had to do. I had to stand firm to my faith and not back down. I had to get on my knees and pray with conviction.
The situation that I faced made me clearly aware that the devil was in control. I had to pray. I felt so strongly about what I needed to do. Once I had prayed I felt so much better.
Praying with conviction is praying with true faith. We believe with all our hearts that God will do what he has to do. He will take control and his power will reign. It is a sign that you are a true believer if you pray with conviction. Praying with conviction brings results.
All too often Christians pray and get frustrated cause they don't see results. That is cause they don't have conviction when they pray. They give up cause they feel that God has given up on them. That is the wrong way to be.
If we are going to fight the spiritual war we need to not give up on God. He will not give up on us. We need to pray with conviction and then we will see results.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
War Room
Recently I saw a trailer for a new Christian movie coming out on August 28th called War Room and it got me to thinking. In the trailer this older lady was in a room praying our loud to God in such a way that it was like she was doing battle with the devil.
That reminded me of my Great-Aunt Virginia. She was always one to be praying. She would always tell me that if I had a problem that I needed to take it to God. She was always getting answers to her prayers. She had a strong faith in God.
Then I got to thinking that maybe we all needed to have a prayer room or as the movie calls it a War Room. This would be a place that we can go to to talk to God and fight our battle with the devil in our lives.
So often I encounter people that say that they are Christians, but they don't practice what they preach. They preach prayer, but they don't pray. My friend Mandy told me that when you pray you need to talk to God like he is right there with you. Talk to him like he is your friend. She says that she starts each day by saying Good Morning God and ends each day with Good Night God. I think that this is a great idea.
I feel that so many of us have lost God. Many churches have lost God. We need to get back to fighting our battles with prayer and get God back in our lives. We need to focus on the power of the cross and the power of prayer.
I have seen the power of prayer at work in my life. Prayer can do great things if we believe in its power. We need not take it lightly.
So I challenge you to set aside a place that you can make your prayer room or War Room. Get down on your knees and talk to God like he is right there with you. Talk to God with conviction. Tell him what you want to happen. Then step back and he will do the rest. Then you will see mighty things happen. With God on our sides the devil would run in fear.
Perfect love cast out fear. Prayer does much. It is the key to fighting and winning the battle with the devil.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
He's Alive
Today is Easter. It is a time to remember the truth about this all important holiday in the Christian calendar. It is a day to remember the power of the cross. It is a day to remember that Jesus is alive. He is alive in all of us each and every day.
It reminds me of a song that we use to sing in Youth Choir as a kid. He's Alive was a song that we would sing often. David Phelps does a great job with this song. Dolly Parton has a version that is great too.
In the song it says that Jesus is alive and that we are forgiven. That is so true. I believe that everyday Jesus is alive in me and that I am forgiven of my sins.
We have to believe that. We have to truly believe that Jesus is alive in each of us everyday. That way we will carry with us and be able to live it out to share with others.
Share the power of the cross and the fact that Jesus is alive in you with others so that you can bring more people to know the love of Jesus.
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