This is a blog set up to share things about faith, life, and many other things of interest to me.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Halloween and All Saints Day
Today is Halloween. A day when parents dress their children up in costumes to look like their favorite super hero, movie character, or what have you to take them door to door tick or treating for candy. People like me either sit on their porches or by the door waiting to see what children will come to their house.
Some places will have truck or treats. Some places the fire departments will have a family friendly party. People will head out to whatever it is this evening. Some people will not celebrate the holiday for one reason or another and that is ok.
Tomorrow however, is a holiday that goes unnoticed. All Saints Day is one that people usually don't celebrate. This is a day to remember all those who passed away in the last year. In the church we use to have a moment of silence for those who passed in the last year.
All Saints Day is not just a day to remember those passed in the last year, but also a day to remember those that have gone on before us. It is a day to remember that they lived a good life and one day we will see them again.
So if you celebrate Halloween tonight remember to celebrate All Saints Day tomorrow too.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Have you ever worked with someone that was psychologically abusive? Someone that had to be in control of things all the time and when their plans didn't go they took it out on you? Someone who used you as their verbal punching bag? If this has every happened to you then you are not alone. I have been there. At the time my co-workers thought that I was out of my mind. They could not believe that this would ever happen to me. Then they saw it in action and things changed.
At first when this was happening I never thought of it as abuse. I thought of it as just how things were between us. One part of the abuse was to never share anything with me. That in a way was good. That way when things went wrong and I didn't know about it I was in the clear. I could use the excuse that I never knew about it in the first place.
Another part of the abuse was to make decision without getting my input. That was sometimes good and sometimes bad. It was bad cause when things went wrong I was left holding the bag. I was blamed for whatever went wrong. I never seemed to do anything right.
The abuse went so far as me having to get to work a half hour early in order to do this list of things that my abuser wanted done. Then I had to stay a half hour late to do another list of things. I knew that if I didn't do what was on the lists that my abuser would verbally asult me. Sometimes the asult was in private and other times the asult was public.
Most of the time it was public. My abuser got a thrill from the verbal asult of me in front of others. Now mind you at the time this was all going on I never for once thought of this as abuse. I thought that this was just how my abuser was. This was the nature of the beast and I needed to tow the line in order to avoid the wrath.
Most often abusers refuse to admit that they are abusive. They want to believe that they accuser is making things up and that they (the abuser) could never do something like that. They don't want to see that what they are doing is affecting others around them. They want to go on believing that life is perfect and there is no harm done.
It took me awhile to see that I was being abused. I looked back on my job and realized that this was not the first case of abuse that I had been through. I was appalled that someone would do something like this to me.
So what I did was pray. I knew I could not go to higher up about the situation. I had in the past with the abuser and it never worked. So I prayed. Everything I was abused I prayed. I knew God had a plan and a purpose for this.
It is not just abuse at the work place. The phycological abuse can be at home too. You could have a spouse or significant other that is psychologically abusive. You man never realize it. I was there with this too. I dated a guy in college who was psychologically abusive. I am so glad that I figured out what was going on before it was too late.
Then there is psychological abuse in the church. What you say? Yes you heard me right. It does happen. That one person in the church that can get anyone to do anything. That one person that everyone believes is right and can do no wrong. No one ever sees the bad in that person. That is because that person is manipulative. They are good at making people believe that what they say and do is 100% right. No one ever questions them. This is not a good way to go. A person like this will end up destroying the church.
So again what do you do? You pray about it. Talk to God and tell him all about what is going on. Lay your problems at his feet. Talk to God about this person or persons in your life that is psychologically abusive to you. Ask God to change them. Ask God to show them what they are doing wrong.
You many not see results right away, but in God's time you will see results. God will make things better. He has a plan and a purpose. You just have to trust him and have faith. I have in my situations and I have saw results. I talk to God everyday about what is going on and little by little I see answers.
Don't let the abuse continue. If you can get help then get it. Talk to others who can help you get out of the situation that you are in before it is too late. Let the world know what is going on.
Above all cry out to Jesus and he will meet your need.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Live The Let Go Life
Some time ago I ran across a sermon by Joseph Prince entitled Live The Let Go Life. This sermon talked about breaking free from stress, worry, and anxiety. Recently I have been feeling tired and worn out. I don't sleep well and frankly by the middle of the day I am ready for a nap. I go home and some evenings I fall asleep on the couch or in the chair. I use to blame stress and worry on this, but I realized that it was more than that after hearing this sermon.
I realized that I was fighting the devil or multiple devils in my life. I was fighting battles in my life that had turned into a war for my soul. I realized that I needed to give this fight over to God and let him take control. I need to do my fighting in prayer and then take a huge step back. Get out of the way and let God be in control.
I know that when I get up each day I start my day with worry. I worry about what could go wrong with my day before it even begins. I have anxiety about going to work. I think up problems before they even occur or don't occur. I let the stress of my job get to me. By the middle of the day I am ready to go to bed I am so tired. It is hard for me to keep going each day.
So recently I realized that I need to let go of all of this. I am fighting a battle that only God can win. That is not good. I talk to God everyday and I need to give this battle over to God. He will win this war in my life. The multiple devils in my life will flee.
If we learn to let go of things and let God take control more often our lives will be better. Things will go right. We will see more blessings. God will reward us. We need to have faith in the power of God.
I vow to let go and let God have more control of my life. I will let him fight for me. I will let him work in the situations to which I feel hopeless. I want God's best for me.
My advice to you if you are in the situation that I am in is that you need to let go and let God. Your life will be better for it.
I realized that I was fighting the devil or multiple devils in my life. I was fighting battles in my life that had turned into a war for my soul. I realized that I needed to give this fight over to God and let him take control. I need to do my fighting in prayer and then take a huge step back. Get out of the way and let God be in control.
I know that when I get up each day I start my day with worry. I worry about what could go wrong with my day before it even begins. I have anxiety about going to work. I think up problems before they even occur or don't occur. I let the stress of my job get to me. By the middle of the day I am ready to go to bed I am so tired. It is hard for me to keep going each day.
So recently I realized that I need to let go of all of this. I am fighting a battle that only God can win. That is not good. I talk to God everyday and I need to give this battle over to God. He will win this war in my life. The multiple devils in my life will flee.
If we learn to let go of things and let God take control more often our lives will be better. Things will go right. We will see more blessings. God will reward us. We need to have faith in the power of God.
I vow to let go and let God have more control of my life. I will let him fight for me. I will let him work in the situations to which I feel hopeless. I want God's best for me.
My advice to you if you are in the situation that I am in is that you need to let go and let God. Your life will be better for it.
Friday, October 13, 2017
I Want A Love Like That
Since I started working in the school system I have gotten to know a lot of people. I have gotten to work with some great teachers over the years. This week one of those great teachers went to be with Jesus. Ann Hodges will forever be remembered by so many who's life she touched in the time that she was here on earth.
I got to know Ann when I first became an Aide. I was working in Special Ed and she was one of the teachers that I got to work with. I learned really quickly that she pulled no punches and wanted every child to succeed. She cared about every student. She challenged her students to be more than what they thought they could be. She even challenged them to be more than what others thought they could be.
She saw the good in everyone. There was never a person that was a stranger to her. She loved to talk to everyone. I know that even after she retired that when I would see her out she would talk to me. We would catch up and I knew she had an interest in me. She was easy to work with and fun too.
Her husband Henry was equally as interesting. I got to work with him at East Hardy High School. I learned that he too challenged his students to succeed, he cared for all the students, and that he cared about his co-workers.
Seeing them together they were an interesting couple. They had their moments. I can still here Ann yell Henry when she wanted him or was about to give him a lecture. I can still see them in their blue Ford Festiva (older) going down the road. Ann would be driving and Henry would have his seat reclined.
Ann was a short lady, but she made a big presence when she came into the room. Henry was tall and well noticed. They made for an interesting pair when you saw them together.
Despite it all Henry and Ann were deeply in love. In fact when Henry gave his Teacher of the Year speech at Opening Day several years ago he credited his award to Ann. He said that he would not be where he was today without her. That is so true.
Ann was one to stand back and let Henry shine. She was quietly in the background helping Henry to succeed. She never got personal credit for all she did, but she did let Henry take the credit.
I remember that when I would see them out and about they would always ask about my mom and sister. After Mom passed they took an interest in how I was doing. Ann also took an interest in how my job was going. She would give me advice and sometimes warnings.
They both were interested in the local school sports. I don't think that there was a sporting event at East Hardy High School that they did not attend. They were at most all the games selling tickets or being the game manager. They were always dressed in school colors showing their support of the students.
As I think about what Henry must be going through I think about how much he loved Ann. When he posted about her death on Facebook he referred to Ann as the love of his life. It makes you stop and think about what kind of love they had.
I want a love like that someday. Someone that I can love and will love me, but still be normal with. I mean have all the arguments, disagreements, make-up, and still love each other through it all. Ann and Henry's love reminded me of my Great-Aunt Virginia and Great-Uncle Ed.
I am sure that Ann is in Heaven smiling down on Henry. I am also sure that she is playing the piano for the choir in Heaven where my Mom is proudly singing. I am sure too that Mom and Ann are wearing matching dresses and swapping stories about Henry.
My heart goes out to Mr. Hodges. I will continue to pray for him. Grief is not an easy thing. Especially when you loose the love of your life. I am sure we all have a story of some kind to tell about this couple especially Mrs. Hodges.
Please keep Mr. Hodges in your thoughts and prayers at this time. God gained another angel who left a lot of great memories.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Most mornings I wake up I don't want to get up. I would rather stay in bed. Most night I go to bed worn and drained. Then I remember that I am blessed so much. God blesses me everyday and I am grateful for that. God blesses me in so many ways. Some that I don't even know. We all need to take the time to enjoy God's blessings for us.
I was listening to Joel Osteen and he was giving a sermon on blessings from your enemies. I never realized that the lady at church that gives me a sermon after worship each week is showering me with blessings. Novel concept that I will keep in mind.
I realized today that I am so blessed no matter what in life. I also realized that I can be a blessing in life too. Just like this week I sent a card to a family member who had missed church last Sunday. She thanked me for the card and said it really made her feel good.
As I realized I am blessed every morning when God wakes me up. I am blessed when I am able to get out of bed, get ready, and go off to work. I am blessed that I have a car that runs and can get me places. I am blessed to have a job that I love. I am blessed to have a home to live in. I am blessed to have food to eat. I am blessed beyond measure.
Most of us never see the blessings in the small things that we take for granted each day. It is the small things that bring with it the most blessings. We need to set our minds to seeing that happen each day.
I was listening to Joel Osteen and he was giving a sermon on blessings from your enemies. I never realized that the lady at church that gives me a sermon after worship each week is showering me with blessings. Novel concept that I will keep in mind.
I realized today that I am so blessed no matter what in life. I also realized that I can be a blessing in life too. Just like this week I sent a card to a family member who had missed church last Sunday. She thanked me for the card and said it really made her feel good.
As I realized I am blessed every morning when God wakes me up. I am blessed when I am able to get out of bed, get ready, and go off to work. I am blessed that I have a car that runs and can get me places. I am blessed to have a job that I love. I am blessed to have a home to live in. I am blessed to have food to eat. I am blessed beyond measure.
Most of us never see the blessings in the small things that we take for granted each day. It is the small things that bring with it the most blessings. We need to set our minds to seeing that happen each day.
You Are Parked Illegally
So recently I went to church as I always do. When I got there I parked where I always park. Before I go farther with this let me say that my Uncle and my Aunt usually come to church with me in my car. Neither one of them drives. My Uncle has never driven and my Aunt doesn't drive due to doctor's orders.
So this Sunday it was just me and my Uncle in the car. As I said I parked the car where I always do. I always park in a spot along the side of the church that has handicap parking. I put my Uncle's handicap placard in the rear view mirror before exiting the car as I do each Sunday. I really don't need to do this, but since this happened I make sure to do so.
We went into church as usual. Nothing was said about my parking and that is normal. That was until worship. A man in his late 70s early 80s who had just had hip replacement surgery comes in with his single prong cane. He walks up to me and asks me if the placard in my car belongs to me. I told him no that it is issued to my Uncle. He then asks me if it is registered to my car. With a shock look I tell him no. He then proceeds to tell me that if the placard is not registered to my car I am parked illegally. I was in shock.
Me park illegally? No way! This bothers me to no end. So after tell my Uncle and my sister about this I look up the laws about handicap placards on the DMV website. I wanted to make sure that I was right about what I knew the law was.
See for years I have used handicap placards in my cars. I used my Grandpa's, my Mom's my Uncle's and my Aunt's all and never before had an issue.
After looking up the what the DMV said I was satisfied about the issue. That was till this morning. See my Uncle could not go to church today with us (me and my aunt) so I called my Aunt so we could use her placard.
As we drove down the road to church I told my Aunt the story. She was appalled. She told me that I was right in being able to park in the spot at church with the use of the placard as long as the person the placard was issued to was riding in the car. She assured me that if this man at church gave me grief about parking she would handle him. Turns out the man didn't come to church today.
Some people have the nerve. They worry about the dumbest things in life. This man was more worried about being cheated out of a parking spot than hearing the message. To top things off there was an older couple parked next to me with a placard. This man never got after them. He had a pick at me. I think it was cause I was young that is why.
If truth be known my Uncle needs to park nearest the church more than most. He is 74, had both hips replaced (one is in place with medical grade super glue), he has coronary heart failure, and arterial fibrillation. Not to mention that my Uncle has breathing issues and weight issues. On top of the fact that my Uncle does not walk well. I am afraid to park much farther from the door for fear that my Uncle will fall.
My Aunt does not walk well and falls easy so she is another reason I park so close. Most people in church understand why I park were I do when both of them come with me to church. I just think that this man was upset that he had to walk and get a little exercise with that new hip of his,
So this week I have done a lot of praying for this man. He had to have been in pain to accost me like that. Life is not always fair. We need to make the best of things when things don't go our way. I say to this man get over it and let it go. Life is too short to cause conflict and worry over silly things.
So until something happens that I am not bringing my Uncle and Aunt to church I will keep parking in the same spot that I always have and display a placard for the rider of the car. I will also pray for this man who is wrong. He obviously comes to church for the wrong reasons.
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