Joel Osteen was talking this morning in a message on the radio about shedding the baggage. That is we want to be a little lighter in life that we need to get rid of the baggage that is weighing us down. We need to let go of those things that are holding us back from being really happy. He said that we can live a much fuller life if we let go of the baggage.
That is so true. If we go around carrying the negative things of life then we are going to be negative. We then will never be able to move forward with life and be happy. We will always be living in the past. We need to live in the present and the future.
This reminded me of a man in a church that had for years kept a list of perceived wrongs that another person had done to him. The list went back 15 years or more. One day the man had had quiet enough of the other person and so he went to the church council for help. The list, six pages in full was read at the meeting. When all was said and done the man looked like a fool. The council members had laughed at him for keeping a this list for 15 years. They felt that it was silly to do such a thing. The person in the church who the list was kept on forgave the man for his silly act and was better off for doing so. In the very end because this man would not let things go he ended up bringing the church down with him.
We need to let go and let God take control. We need not sit by and let what has happened in the past destroy our lives. We need to live our lives to the fullest for God. We need not get caught up in things that will drag us down and make us miserable. We need to live life each day with the purpose of doing out best for the glory of God.
It is just like when I was very upset with a former friend about how she had treated me. I didn't go around carrying a grudge for years on end. I forgave her and felt so much better about it. That baggage was checked.
You have got to clear out the excess baggage in your life in order to have a happy life. Otherwise you are letting the devil take control. You are letting sin take root in your life and choking out the word of God. That is not what needs to happen. You need to let God shine through in your life.
Let go and Let God.....enough said.
This is a blog set up to share things about faith, life, and many other things of interest to me.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Be Postive to See Positive
Most days on the way to and from school I have been listening to Joel Osteen Radio. Joel has had some really good messages. Most recently he was talking about being positive. He was saying that you have to be positive to see positive. That is so true.
Joel says that if you speak positive words over something that you are going to see positive results. That is so true. I have saw that with my job. I work as a Preschool Aide and this year we have been working to get a much needed Preschool Playground. Everything was in the works and something happened to put a halt to it. The negatives abounded. We felt like we were not going to get the playground.
I had heard Joel's message about speaking positive and I began to do just that. Everyday we would go out to the playground I would thank God for what we had and that I knew that he was going to give us what we needed. Then one day the principle of the school said that the playground was back in the works. That is the power of God at work.
It is like this with the situation with my church. I have been constantly speaking positive things over the church knowing that in God's time that things are going to change. You got to have a positive mind set in order to see change happen.
Positive Thoughts = Positive Results
God is good. He knows that we get frustrated at times. However, God wants us to be positive so that we will see a change in things. God has a plan and a purpose in all that he does.
So the next time that something is going wrong or that you feel frustrated just turn things aroundby being positive.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Modern vs. Tradional Christian Music
Recently I sang a prelude at church. This is something that I do quite often. After the service was over a lady at my church came up to me and told me that the next time that I sang a solo that I needed to sing a more traditional song and that I needed to run it by her for approval first. I was shocked and stunned. How could someone who clamed to be a Christian say this to me? It really had me puzzled.
Then I got to thinking about it. Why would someone be so offended by the modern Christian music? I see nothing wrong with it. In fact, many denominations have embraced it. They sing some of the latest Praise and Worship hits as part of their services. Often times it is the more traditional songs that gets thrown by the way side.
To me I can see us having a mix of both in church. I would love to sing some of the modern songs along with the traditional. I just recently came across the hit song Glorious Day in our hymnbook under the title One Day. I would love to sing it, but I know that that would not go over too smooth at my church.
I don't see the offence. The modern songs have great messages to them. They get people up on their feet excited about worshiping God. Churches were modern praise and worship music is used have a high number of teens and young adults in attendance. Young people, teens, and young kids is what my church needs bad.
At 35 I am the youngest adult in church. There is no one younger than me in church. I fear that it is because we are stuck in our comfortable traditional rut. We need to get out of it and fast. We need to look at what is not working and make a change.
If we start and make this change with the music then other changes will take place. It takes time, but it will be worth it to help the church grow.
So I encourage you to check out some modern music and see what it is all about. I will start by inviting you to check out Jason Crabb. One of my favorite songs of his is I'm Amazed. I is so awesome. Also check out Daystar. Both of these are great songs.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Educators......Super Heros Without A Cape
Recently some of the students in my class decided that I should be called Wonder Woman because of all the things that I do for each of them during the day. That got me to thinking about all the things that teachers and aides do for students each and every day. Teachers and aides go above and beyond the call of duty to educate children. Students take for granted all the hard work that it takes teachers and aides to do their jobs.
My mom was a high school teacher. I never really took into consideration all that she did as part of her job. I just like other students took what she did for granted. Like it was expected. Teachers come to school early and stay late. The long hours that they put in are to ensure that their students get a quality education.
They spend their own money on school supplies to make sure that their students have all the necessities to have a quality education. They take the time to get to know each student and their families personally. They take a personal interest.
Aides are the same way. I can tell you that I personally spend long hours at work each and everyday. I get to work early and somedays I end up staying late to make sure that things are ready for the next day. I have found that I spend my own money on much needed supplies for the classroom. I even make sure to take a personal interest in each student and get to know their families. It really makes a difference.
I have noticed that when I sit down and have a conversation with a child at lunch or snack time that the child is more likely to trust me than if I don't take an interest in them. Plus getting to know their families says that I have an interest in having good communication with them. I can tell it is the little things that mean a lot.
Educators (teachers and aides) are super heroes. We just don't wear a cape. We go unrecognized for the work that we do. God blesses us for all that we do.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Cancer Sucks
Recently Cancer has affected my family. My Uncle Pat passed away after a short battle with cancer. That got me to thinking. When someone that we love is afflicted with Cancer we don't know how long we will have with them. Some will defy the odds.
My friend Carol is an example of defying the odds. Recently she celebrated her 2nd Birthday since her diagnoses of Leukemia. She has lived 2 years longer than they originally thought despite all that she went through to battle the disease.
Cancer is non discriminatory. It can strike anyone at any age. It is a horrid disease. Some are strong enough to fight it. While others become too weak from the battle to fight. Everyone who gets cancer is different.
Most recently a friend of mine has had cancer hit home. Last year her Uncle was diagnosed with cancer and at first he was doing great. Then things started to change. Now he is in the fight of his life. Prayers are being said at this time.
This is just the nature of cancer. It is an awful thing. It sucks to see someone that you know and love battling it. We feel helpless to the power of cancer. All we can do is pray for a cure.
Recently Relay for Life was held near me. I think that this is a good cause to be involved in. Some people that I know participated to raise money in the fight for cancer.
Right now I plan to pray for a cure for cancer. God is bigger than any mountain that we can or can not see. He can defeat this mountain called cancer.
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