This is a blog set up to share things about faith, life, and many other things of interest to me.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Toxic People
There are days, most in fact that I feel drained. For the longest time I felt that the drain was coming from the stress I was under. Then recently I took a look at the situation that I was in and came to the conclusion that that the reason that I am drained is that I am around a toxic person. I can't believe how long it took me to figure this out.
Toxic people will ruin your life and steal your joy. They will drain the life out of you. You will be so worn because of these kind of people. It is like they are a disease to your life.
Don't know what a toxic person is? Here are some characteristics of a toxic person.
1. Speaks badly about others.
This person speaks bad about others in the hopes that it will make them look good. Sometimes it works and other times it just ends up making them look bad.
2. Are Negative.
These type of people always see the down side of things. They never see the good. For example they complain about a co-worker stressing them out. Another example is they feel everyone is against them. Best thing to do is walk away and not get sucked up in the negative.
3. Lack compassion.
Simply put they have no feelings for others. This happened to me. My Mom died 2 years ago. When I got back to work a co-worker told me to suck it up and move on. That lingering in my sadness was only keeping me from doing my job. I needed to dry it up and move on. This person had never lost a parent so they didn't understand what I was going through. I ignored it and moved on.
4. Take Away Too Much Of Your Time.
Toxic people tend to take your time. You think about them a lot. You wonder what they have up their sleeve. You need to forget about them and move on with life. The more time you devote to thinking about them the more of your life you loose.
5.Constantly Has Drama Going On
Toxic people love drama. They will do whatever they can to stir it up. They will get others involved in it too. Don't get sucked into the drama.
6. Lie To You
Toxic people are lairs. They will lie to you to see how you will react. Don't believe the lies.
7. Criticize You
You can never please a toxic person. Everything you do is always wrong in their eyes. Don't let their critic attitude get to you. You are better than that.
8. Play The Victim
I have had this happen. A toxic person will blame you for something that they did and play the helpless victim. Just be hopeful that whatever they say in the end the truth will come out. It always does.
9. Loose Their Temper
Toxic people get made easy. A lot of the time it is at the wrong time. Let it happen at the wrong time. That way people will see the toxic person's true colors. When they are loosing their temper at you walk away or make sure that someone is around to see it.
10. Have To Be Right
Toxic people are never wrong. They will make sure that you know that. You need to be the bigger person.
11. Are Self-Obsessed
Toxic people have to have it all about them. They don't care if they hurt others. It has to be their way or no way. They don't ask others opinion. They don't care if they upset others. Just as long as they are happy that is all the matters. It will back fire in the end.
12.Try To Control You
This is a big one. Toxic people have to control all parts of their lives and everyone in it. I worked with a person once that told me what time I had to be at work and what time I could go home. They gave me long list of things that had to be done before the kids arrived and after the kids left. This finally came to a halt when I couldn't get in the classroom in he morning and they made me leave when they did after school. Don't let people control you. You are better than that.
13. They Have An Addiction Problem
Most toxic people have an addiction. You might not know what it is, but they have one none the less. Best advice is to pray for this person to get help. It will help in the long run.
Best advice on how to handle a toxic person in your life. Pray to God and let him be in control of the situation. Things will turn around for you before you know it. Don't give up. God will see you through it.
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