Sunday, March 8, 2015

Broken Church

I know that every church has problems and that no church is perfect. That is why when problems arise that you need to seek God through prayer. That is hard to do, but if we do it and ask for God's will in the situation then things will in the end turn out for the good of all.
Recently a situation has arisen at church to were the elders feel that one of our members needs to no longer do their duties at the church. That this member should no longer represent the church. This member was told that they were a detriment to the work and life of the church. That they needed to get counseling for their problems and that the church would pay for the counseling. This member of the church was not allowed time to respond to the elders or ask questions. This was a done deal. This member was basically told that they could no longer come to church there.
The elders believe in a since that by getting rid of this member of the church that all their problems will magically go away. That what was going on in the church will be over. That their battle is over. That is the wrong attitude to have. These elders told this member of the church that they were concerned about them. If that were true they would have talked to the member instead of ganging up on them. They would have prayed about the issues at hand instead of throwing out accusations and hurting people's feelings.
The elders believe that their reputation in the community will get better with this member out of the picture. I am afraid to say that they have only made things worse. They have opened a door to a path that will only lead to the downfall of the church. I have been saying for years that if they keep going down the road that they are on that they will end up only hurting the church. No one listens to me cause they say that I am too young and that I know nothing.
I keep saying each week that I can feel the devil in our midst. That is so true right now. The devil has taken control of the church. How will they be able to come out of this mess that they have put themselves in.
Kicking one person out of a church does not help the situation. Both sides need to sit down and talk about the issues at hand and come to a consensus before one or both parties are hurt. They need to come to a meeting of the minds. In this situation the elders of the church did not even want to take the time to listen to what the member had to say. All they wanted to do was tell this member what was going to happen and then move forward. They felt that their work was done.    
Is it going to make things better? No not by a long shot. They have only made the problem worse. How is someone going to trust anyone at the church ever again? How can I or any member of the church respect the elders of the church ever again after this? How can anyone respect a pastor who will allow this to happen?
This situation is far from over. They have only made the problem worse and have destroyed the church. Right now we need to pray for God's will to be done in the situation and that the devil will let go of his hand on the church. We need to pray that the eyes of every member of the church will be open to what is going wrong in the church before it is too late and that thing get too far out of hand.
All I can do now is pray. Also right now I have to watch what I do and say at church. I don't want someone in the church who is out for their own glory to take what I do or say and use it against me. It is sad when you have to watch your back at church. Church should be the one place that you can go that everyone gets along.
It is just that when you have one or more people that think that they have to run things it ends up hurting others who are innocent in the process. The damage gets out of control and in the end the church itself ends up closing its doors due to the damage.
Churches need to put God first instead of self. That is a big problem today. There are people in the church that only think of self and not others or God. They want what they want and it has to be. Then by the time that they get what they want things are so out of control that the church can't recover.
The Devil is at work in a lot of churches today. He works to destroy the church. He uses people in the church to destroy it. Then when the damage is done he moves on. Leaving the church to pick up the pieces and try to move on. By that time it is far too late. The damage is done and there is nothing that can be done to fix it.
We need a revival in the church today. We need to get God back in the church before it is too late. I have saw far too many churches break up due to the lack of God in them. We need to put God first over self. We need to get rid of the Devil. We need to open our eyes to what God wants before it is too late.
We have to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation. We need to determine if this is what God thinks is best for the church. If not we need to not do it. If we follow the path that doesn't put God first then we are only hurting the church and it's members.
Please pray for all churches in our nation. Please pray that we get God back and that he is put first in the church. That we get rid of the Devil before he causes so much damage that the church can't recover.

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