Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Daily Habits

We all have daily habits. For some it is having coffee first thing in the morning or a certain routine of how we get ready in the morning for work. Do you make Jesus a daily habit? I sure do.

Back in January I started a new morning routine. I decided to get up extra early for work. So I was getting up at 5:00am. This was to allow time for a new habit that I was making for myself. That was to take time each morning to spend with Jesus. I wanted to start my day out with him.

I also stated a new routine in the evening. I take time before bed to spend time with Jesus. Taking that time each day to spend with Jesus has really changed my life. I have learned to listen for his voice more. I am finding that I see his blessings on me more. He has become a bigger part of my life.

A friend of mine told me once that the simple act of saying Good Morning God and Good Night God lets God know that you are thankful for the day. When I get up in the morning I spend time reading my bible, devotions, and in prayer. If I don't do this for one reason or another my day is just not right. In the evening before bed I end my day with prayer. If I fail to do this to me I just don't sleep right.

So I encourage you to make Jesus a daily habit. Make time to read the word and pray. You will feel so much better and so refreshed. You day will be so much better because of it.

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