Sunday, January 25, 2015

Repent and Get Right With God......Speak For Yourself

Our Sunday School lesson today was on Prayer. As part of the lesson we talked about praying for others to be saved. This is something that I do often. After church this morning a fellow congregant came up to me saying "Repent and get right with God". This person continued with some unchristian statements that left me speechless. I listened to their words till they were finished. Then I responded with "speak for yourself."
I am all for helping others to come to know Christ and be saved. However, when you talk the talk you better walk the walk. That is to say that you need to practice what you preach. Don't come up to me spouting your Christian ideology and then go away doing something quite different.
I don't find it at all good that a fellow church member took it upon themselves to decide that I needed to be saved. I thank you to know that I can tell you the date in which I was saved. It was June 21, 1995.
I think this person needs to reevaluate their own life and get it right with God. I don't like to judge fellow Christians, but if you are speaking one thing and then living another something is really wrong. You need to change your life before you change others.
I hate it when fellow believers go around saying they are Christians and then judge other Christians. That is totally wrong. You should not judge others based on how you believe. Sometimes what you believe is wrong.
So my advice to all these so called Christians is to get your life in check before you try to tell someone else how to live their life. It will be well worth it in the end.

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