Thursday, November 22, 2018

Day 22 of #Thanks

Day 22 of #Thanks

Today on this Thanksgiving Day I am thankful for so may blessings in my life. Here are just 10 things that I am thankful for.

1. My Family: I am thankful for my family who is related to my by blood. Those are the people that God chooses for you in this life and his purpose for that is greater than we can imagine. I am also thankful for those that I call family who are not related to me by blood. Those are the people in this life that I choose to call family. My family may not be perfect, but I love them each and every one.

2. My Faith: I am thankful that I was raised to go to church, pray, and learn to believe in a man that I have yet to see, but will see one day. I am thankful that Jesus was born in a stable at Christmas and died on a cross at Easter to save me from sin.

3. My life: My life might not always be perfect. However, I am thankful that I have a place to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear. I am thankful that I have water, heat, and more. There are people in this world that do not have these things. We often take what we have for granted.

4. My Job: I am thankful that I have a job to go to 5 days a week. I am thankful that I get breaks from work. My job may be stressful at times, but I am glad that I have it. There are so many people in this world that are unemployed and looking for a job that just can't find one or don't have the qualifications to get the job. Then there are those that are just too lazy to work.

5. My Car: I am thankful that I made the decision in 2014 to by my first car. Mom went with me and it was the best decision that I made. It was a base model and that was great for me. Now I have my second new car and I am so thankful for it. Used cars are great, but most often they come with problems of their own.

6. My Friends: I am thankful for my dear friends in this life. They have stood by me in good and bad times. They have accepted me into their family. I am thankful that I can count on them when I need them.

7. My Health: I am thankful that I am in good health. That when I am not I can go to the Dr to help get better. I can also talk to the Great Physician when I am not feeling well and he will help me. There are a lot of people in this world that are ill some with life threatening diseases or cancers. Some of these people can't get help. Some can get help, but there is no hope.

8. Children: I am thankful for the children in my life. I have 3 very special children in my life that I thank God for each day. Hannah, Austin, and I have come a long way. We have some tuff times, but we are learning how to make things better. Jairus is a blessing because he loves without hate. I pray everyday for these kids because they part of my life. I tell them often that they are smart, they are special, and they are loved.

9. Cosmo: Cosmo came into our lives in 2011. He and I have come a long way. He is my alarm clock on days off from school. He often follows me around the house to make sure I am ok. He loves to climb up on my lap and lay. Some mornings when he doesn't want me to go to work he will lay in front of the door. He is often waiting for me when I get home. I am thankful that my sister rescued him and that he is a part of our family.

10. Love: I am thankful for love, loss, and and broken hearts. I am thankful that I learned what true love is. I am am thankful that I learned what the loss of that true love is. I am thankful that I learned what a broken heart is. I learned that as much as you love someone you can't make them love you. That often times you might love someone who says they love you, but reality is that they lie to you and have someone else behind your back. I learned that you can still love someone no matter how much they broke your heart. You just have to let them go.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. God Bless You!

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